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Cansema Black Topical Salve

Makers of Cansema Black Topical Salve: based on the century old escharotic formula for removing skin cancers. Money back if not satisfied. Order from our virtual store. View testimonials, both written and in streaming video.

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Some of Our
Product Lines

Listed alphabetically
[ Complete List ]

Apricot Seeds
Artemis (worm-
wood extract)
Bloodroot Paste
B'root Toothpaste
Body Fat Analyzer
Cansema: Salve
Cansema: Caps
Cansema: Tonic I
Cansema: Tonic III
CanSupport: Herbal
Support for
Specific Cancers
CanSupport Caps
Clays, Healing
Clean Colon
Coral Calcium
Ellagic Acid
Emu Oil
Gotas "GS" Drops
H3O | HRx
"Heart" products
pH Strips
Joint Relief
Lugol's Iodine
Microflora Restore
Neem Products
O.A. Dewormer
Olive Leaf Ex.
pH Strips
Phyto Rx (tm)
herbal tinctures
"Russian Zappers"
QuikHeal Salves
Stevia Extract
transfer factor

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With MS Internet Explorer, ver. 4.0 or higher
800 x 600 pixel width;
24 bit true color
And a discriminating but impartial intellect . . .

Remember: Our excellent
reputation is based on
the fact that our products
have a high degree of
effectiveness. That's
why we can afford to
have the most liberal,
generous moneyback
in the
alternative health
care field.

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Informational Not-for-Profit Website
Alpha Omega Labs
The Triumph of Medical Science Over Politics & Greed
Presented by as a Free Public Service
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Disclaimer: This website is a non-commercial informational website. The website trustees have no material connection nor affiliation with Alpha Omega Labs. Please note that no products are available for sale, and this website is not a paid advertisement, but an excercise in 1st Ammendment Rights. The Alpha Omega Labs website has been left completely intact, minus the actual store and the ability to purchase products at this time. Visit for updated information, and view our statement of involvement for further information.

The Triumph of Medical Science Over Politics & Greed

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Support the Coalition Against Terrorism Corporate Office
P.O. Box SS-6807
(242) 380-8068 (admin. offices)
(242) 394-8383 (fax: queries/orders)
General Herbal Questions: Email,
or use: .

Clinical Offices
P.O. Box 42377 · Freeport, BAHAMAS
Our Head Clinician: Eric Brown, M.D.
A Word about Consultation Fees
Clinic: (242) 351-4400
In Nassau: Michael Ingraham, M.D.

AquaMarine Life Force
Aquamarine Life Force

This month we introduce our own daily vitamin / mineral liquid supplement, AquaMarine Life Force -- a veritable $39.95 product that we are retailing for $9.95. (A "loss leader" -- it does a good job of accentuating our argument that "you get what you pay for" does not readily apply to the nutritional / nutraceutical markets.)
Not content to stop there in our emerging role as the "price spoiler" of outrageously priced alternative health care products, this month we reintroduce the Tesla Photon Model 2000 -- which is actually an improved version of the VibeMachine in the States, which has been reselling for $17,200.00, with what appears to be a steady flow of un-price-conscious purchasers. Our price of $5,995 is about one-third the price.
HIV Since price seems to be a constant theme this month, we discuss how cost has obscured the real issues involving one of the most exciting developments in immunology: transfer factor. A lack of chemical standardization (which has been difficult due to technical difficulties) as well as clarity on the difference between specific and non-specific TF's has clouded the issue for consumers. We attempt to shed light on these fine points in an in-depth examination of the subject.
Extending last month's coverage of North American herbal traditionals, this month we add Potassium Iodine Hoxsey Solution for those attempting to bring Hoxsaic, or similar liquid Hoxsey-type formulas (internal), closer to the original.
Shilajit Lastly, this month we introduce Shilajit, our first ayurvedic product from India. Shilajit will be followed by an entire line of reasonably priced, carefully screened ayurvedic preparations that are in keeping with one of man's oldest healing traditions . . .
This and more ... in this month's issue of the Ashwin.

We accept all major cards We rated with RSAC Our Yahoo Store is Top (5%)Rated in Customer Service

Public Eye Safe Shopping Site

OUR WARRANTY: Read our Warranty carefully. You are assured a complete, 100% money-back refund if you are not happy with any of the products or services we offer. No doctor, hospital or pharmacy in the world, which we are aware of, offers this kind of guarantee.

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© 1991-2003 Alpha Omega Labs · Nassau, Bahamas · All rights reserved. This site last revised September 14, 2003
Read our comments before using service.
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New This Week: The reintroduction of the Tesla Photon Machine. AquaMarine Life Force -- the "$39.95 vitamin / mineral daily" that costs $9.95. Potassium iodine formula added to the American Traditionals page. Last Two Weeks: Transfer Fact Rx, our own line of super immune builders. The ancient story of Shilajit, one of man's oldest "supplements."
Aloe Vera Acemannan
The role of polymannans, the glue of the immune system, is discussed in our intro product page on Aloe Vera Acemannans . . .

Stevia Extract
Have you read about Stevia & the billion dollar artificial sweetener market? Read the fascinating story ...

The Ubiquitous
Intestinal Worm

Nematode babies - see
Before the industrial revolution, parasite control was considered an essential part of health maintenance. "Sulphur & molasses" was a common spring tonic. Lost knowledge and the need or our time has inspired us to introduce 'Old Amish' Dewormer. Read our Parasite Primer to meet your uninvited guests. Read also, our take on the Apricot Seed and laetrile controversy.

Alpha Omega Labs' Liver/Colon Cleansing Program
Few preventive measures are as important as proper liver and colon maintenance. Few conditions work to create so many disease-state possibilities as the FAILURE to do so. [ Read Program pages ]

The health challenges of our time are largely self-inflicted - but few examples of human folly compare to the story of iodine, chlorine, and a textbook phenomenon called "halogen displacement." Fortunately, it is a problem that is cheaply and easily corrected.

Presented by as a Free Public Informational Service