Featured: University of North Texas Tests Colloidal Silver
The University of North Texas, under the supervision of Mark A. Farinha, Ph.D, conducted in-vitro time kill studies to test the effectiveness of SilverKare Colloidal Silver at 15 PPM and 30 PPM.
Dr. Farinha's laboratory testing confirmed the direct antimicrobal effect of silver against Staph, Candida and Psuedomonas. Read the details: Silver effective against pathogenic organisms, and explore how silver can, via direct contact, reduce bacterial population counts from over ten million copies to undetectable in under four minutes.
Colloidal Silver Production: General FAQ
How can one tell if a batch of colloidal silver ( isolated silver ) is highly particulate or highly ionic?
Almost all production methods available for home use produce both ions and particles in the colloidal silver generation process. In order to really understand the quality of the finished product, one needs to have a TEM done ( see our products page for an example ) and tests done through atomic adsorption spectronomy.
However, one can get a general idea of the composition of the colloidal silver by using two drops of 35% H2O2 per eight ounces of colloidal silver. If a thick cloud immediately appears, and spreads throughout the colloidal silver, then the colloidal silver has a high particle content - and most likely ( because of the methods available for home brewing ) very large particles. If the colloidal silver remains clear, then one MOST LIKELY has a high ionic content with smaller actual particles.
Most home generators will produce between 5 - 15% particles. The idea is to be certain, as much as possible, that the particles that ARE in the colloidal silver are minute. When the particle percentage increases in a home brew situation, it is usually LARGER particles being produced.
The colloidal silver from a current controlled generator being used is producing large particles. 14 gauge + silver is being used, as well as high quality distilled water, and the batches are being run for less than one hour. What is going on?
Even when one VERY carefully maintains the cleanliness of equipment, silver can plate onto the bottom of the glass container being used. Scrubbing the glass container with a nylon scotchbrite pad helps, but often does not remove the plating.
The solution is to scrub down the glass being used RIGHT AFTER a batch has completed using a separate nylon pad with a small amount distilled white vinegar added. Rinse the glass thoroughly with tap water. Dry the glass, then scrub the glass container again with a clean, dry nylon scrub pad. Then, wipe down the container and rinse with a bit of distilled water before use.
Use friction rather than pressure when cleaning the silver electrodes. Light pressure with fast agitation helps keep the surface of the silver smooth. Make certain to use a high quality distilled water, such as Walgreens brand distilled water. Position the silver electrodes as parallel to each other as possible. Use a heat lamp or a very gentle heat source underneath the generator to create a slight upward current to help prevent silver plating.
Hydrogen peroxide may also be used to clean any CS production vessel.
Pre-heating the distilled water increases the water molecule activity and reduces production time. However, there is a possibility that as the water cools, agglomeration can occur. This would result in larger particles in the final product.
For special purposes, gradually heating the water to near boiling during production greatly increases water circulation and helps to prevent "sludge" buildup. The end product is vastly inferior. However, the increased particle content can be ideal to make highly volatile and reactive hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver solutions. We only use this method, though, with current limiting technology.
How good is the quality of colloidal silver made via the nine volt battery method?
The quality of colloidal silver made using the low voltage, non-regulated method is adequate, but nowhere near as high at it could be. The tutorial provides the foundation for one to explore the principles of colloidal silver production. The tutorial has not been provided as a recommendation for colloidal silver production.
All Content Copyright 2007 AVRA unless otherwise specified
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Colloidal Silver
Use of Colloidal Silver 101
New to Using Colloidal Silver ----An Esoteric History of Silver ----FAQ: Silver Salts, Proteins and Isolated Silver ----FAQ: LVDC Method of Colloidal Silver Production ----Definition of Colloidal Silver ---- FAQ: General Colloidal Silver Production ----Measuring PPM of Colloidal Silver ----Classifying & Testing Colloidal Silver | TEM | AES | PCS ----Mild Silver Protein ----Silver Citrate ----Meaning of Electrically Isolated Colloidal Silver