
"From clinical experience with emu oil, it became obvious that (emu oil's) two major actions were its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to penetrate the skin. It also appears to provide some solar protection." [Report based on use by over 500 patients in 10 years, which also noted that no allergic reactions have been reported in all those cases.]

Dr. G.R. Hobday
From the report: Emu Oil - A Clinical Appraisal of this Natural and Long Used Product (Australia)

Severe Burns
"I have used emu oil extensively in the treatment of first, second and third degree burns. In my opinion, emu oil greatly contributes to skin health, providing major benefits to the patient. The complex properties and makeup of emu oil are exceptional for overall assistance to burn victims. I repeatedly see positive results, even in those with third degree burns."

Daniel Dean, M.D.
Mount Pleasant, MI (USA)

Dr. John Griswold, Director of the Timothy J. Harner Burn Center (affiliated with the University Medical Center in Lubbock, Texas), compiled results from 10 burn patients using emu oil as a treatment. Two important findings came out of the study, which took place over a nine month period: (1) Patients favored emu oil, almost unanimously, both in terms of effects during application, as well as end result; (2) A unanimous difference was noted in photos taken of the burn sites (before and after) in terms of scarring and inflammation. As a control, three observers were used who were blinded as to which areas were treated with emu oil - and which received control treatments. The difference was statistically significant.

Proliferative Activity
Michael Holick, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, specializes in factors that stimulate and inhibit both skin and hair growth.
His findings in working with emu oil are remarkable: "We depilated some mice and we then topically applied, in a blinded fashion, {a processed emu oil] and corn oil to two different groups of mice, and we did this for two weeks . . . We found that there was about a 20% increase in DNA synthesis, which means that there was a 20% increase in the proliferative activity, or the growth activity of the skin in the animals that received [the emu oil formulation], compared to the animals that received corn oil . . . We found that there was an enhancement in the growth activity of the hair follicles. So it gives us a very good scientific indication that we were stimulating skin growth."

Emu Oil

Code 970 - Emu Oil
8 fl. oz. - $24.95
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The benefits of emu oil -- in both internal (see right column) and external applications, have been known to the Aboriginal people of Australia for hundreds of years (see left column).
More recently, emu oil has been documented to possess the following properties and/or is commonly used for the following purposes:

  • anti-inflammatory activity
    • bruising and muscle pain -- where injury is relatively superficial, significant benefit is noticed to recent bruising and muscle pain. When used as a post-exercise oil massage, emu oil brought about significant reduction in sports-related muscle strains.
    • eczema -- as an adjunct to our Eczema, emu can visibly be seen to reduce irritation and inflammation.
    • joint pain -- reduced pain, swelling, and stiffness -- most eviident where the joint is close to the skin surface: hands, feet, knees & elbows.
  • arthritic pain
  • cholesterol reduction
  • emulsification
  • epidermal proliferative
  • healing of burns with less pain and scarring
  • moisturizing
  • non-comedogenic (non pore-clogging)
  • penetration enhancement (topically)
  • keloid scar reduction (recent)
  • weight reduction
  • wound healing (mechanism: EFA's)

FOCUS: Arthritic Pain (Early Stage)
Arthritic Hand In a preliminary study (1995) conducted by Dr. Thom Leahey of the Arthritis Clilnic in Ardmore, Oklahoma, significant reduction in arthritic pain was noted. "In this 2 week study, 7 of the 12 emu oil users reported a significant reduction in pain, morning stiffness and swelling. Only 1 of the 8 mineral oil (placebo) users related the same results," reported Leahey.
Dr. Leahey went on to theorize that emu oil may have its greatest impact on arthritic pain in its early stages. "I don't know if any topical aid would be beneficial for chronic or burnout arthritis, where the cartilage has been virtually destroyed. I suspect the oil reduced inflammation around and within joints, and assists in allowing a greater freedom of movement."

Massage Therapy & Chiropractic
Emu oil has enormous potential for use in massage therapy and chiropractic applications. Dr. Patty Headly of Tonkawa, Oklahoma, and Dr. Ron Westbrook of Decatur, Texas -- (both practicing chiropractors) -- use emu oil extensively.
"I have started using massage treatments in my practice," notes Dr. Headly. "Since I have been doing massage, emu oil has become a major part of my practice. I do both massage and adjustments and the emu oil is used virtually from head to toe. People with chronic shoulder and knee problems get help from the adjusting, but the emu oil really does the final trick during the massage. I find it absolutely amazing... "
"I can get results using chiropractic alone on lower back pain. However, it seems that when I use the emu oil in conjunction with the chiropractic, the relief is quicker and the muscles stay relaxed longer, and therefore, the treatment lasts longer . . . I can push the spine back, but by the time the patient gets back into their car, it can be out of alignment again because the muscles and tendons are just too tight. With the emu oil and massage working together, and the deep penetration, the loosened muscles hold longer."

* For U.S. Users: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

In our Healthy Heart section, we spoke about the importance of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) - in particular, Omega 3 and Omega 6. Our flaxseed is a great source of EFA's, but so is emu oil - (its fatty acids that are over 70% unsaturated). Remember, EFA's are essential to normal body function and can only be obtained from the diet. The body cannot construct them from other fats. EFA's have been proven to be a great aid in cases of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. (The recommended dosage: one tsp. (5 ml.) per day.)
Another recent area of focus has been brain disorders. According to Dr. Jacqueline Stordy (Ph.D.), the kind of LCP's (long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids) found in emu oil are enormously helpful in the treatment of ADHD, dyslexia, and dyspraxia ("clumsy child syndrome").
A daily regimen of essential fats, like those found in flax and emu oil, should be central in the diet of any health conscious consumer.

Though much more research needs to be done, the veterinary uses for emu oil appear to extensive.
Dr. Matthew Zimmer, D.V.M., notes, "The epithelial character of the oil is beneficial. The oil also tends to be bacteriostatic, it keeps the wounds moist, and has transport capability which are big advantages."
Dr. Zimmer points out a variety of veterinary uses he employs in his practice, "When I combine the normal ringworm treatment with the emu oil, I have found that the disease patch will disappear at a quicker rate . . . In dairy cows, I have found that the emu oil works great on sore, chapped, or ulcerated teat ends. This is one of the main areas that I use the pure oil on because we are talking about milk production here. Drugs will show residues in milk and you cannot have milk enter in the line with those kinds of residues. As far as I know, emu oil doesn't appear to have any residue activity at all. It is similar to a bag balm or udder balm."

The Podiatrist
Dr. Bernard J. Hersh has used emu oil for years. "In the beginning I was using the oil itself to heal skin," he notes. "The fact is that emu oil really is therapeutic in keeping a moisture barrier within the skin so that it doesn't dry and crack and it works fine."
Over 50 of Hersh's patients are actively using emu oil products -- with most responses quite enthusiastic.
The transdermic properties of emu are most noteworthy, according to Hersh, "The basic premise is that no topical medication can work until it has penetration into the skin ... and it has been proven that emu oil has incredible penetration properties. So whatever substance you put with emu oil, you get penetration and will obtain the best therapeutic effect. That's why emu oil is so good. It's a natural emollient, skin softener with tremendous texture."
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