"Tesla's high-frequency electrical currents are bringing about highly beneficial (clinical) results in dealing with cancer, surpassing anything that could be accomplished with ordinary surgery."

Dr. Gustave Kolischer (Presentation)
Seminar, American Congress of Physical Therapy (NY)
September 6, 1932
Tesla Machine Model 2000
Tesla Photon

Code 1255 -- Price: $5,950.00

Nicholas Tesla The Tesla Photon Machine was the subject of our discussion in the February, 2003 edition of the Ashwin. When we caught wind of the kind of clinical results that this device was producing late last year (2002), we moved very aggressively to investigate.
Nonetheless, our work with the device was halted shortly thereafter to address quality control issues -- a sensitive subject, since both wholesale price of the now-popular VIBE Machine (a very similar bioelectromagnetics machine, selling for an astonishing $18,000 to $24,000) and "inconsistency in production" issues had been reported to us by third parties of this device.
Since the misappropriation of intellectual ownership (and origin) appear to have tainted the development of this fabulous medical technology, we are now making available Dr. Thomas Valone's introduction on the subject, entitled "Bioelectromagnetic Healing, its History, and a Rationale for its Use." (Tom Valone is part of the team which has worked with members of Alpha Omega Labs and is responsible for a number of critical improvements in its redesign.)

Comparison to Emag+
Our resellers, as well as regular visitors to the Alpha Omega Labs' website will, no doubt, see the similarities with our less expensive Emag+ Experimental Plasma Frequency Generator, which draws upon very similar principles. Both units have growing numbers of fans, principally end users who have reported very positive results and are naturally "spreading the word." But fundamental differences are worth noting upfront: Emag+ is more precise in its delivery of predetermined frequencies at lower impact. Sessions are longer -- averaging anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, as opposed to 3 to 5 minutes for the Tesla Photon machine. Emag+ separates out the electrical and magnetic components of the EM signal and allows considerable control over pulse characteristics -- a plus for experienced practitioners.
Nonetheless, those who work with the Telsa Photon machine note an almost universal response to the product: the "clearing of passages," particularly lymphatic; an increase in energy after the first few sessions; progressive and marked improvement in sight perception (not necessarily connected to any improvement in vision); etc.

Why You Haven't Heard More About It
We devote a considerable amount of space on this site to discussing the conspiratorial nature of organized medicine, and its role in suppressing new, promising therapeutic approaches. We even go into the human motivational elements that would almost guarantee it. It should not surprise readers that this area of scientific, medical inquiry has actually been more viciously attacked over the last 100 years than has the field of escharotic preparations that are the basis of our Cansema. Valone discusses this at length in his 17-page paper.
Our hope is that are more people experience results in using the Tesla Photon machine, we can move towards an aggregate of citizens who can, in their respective countries, help tear down the wall of suppression that has prevented products like this one from getting its "fair day in court."

Essential Reading
We heartily recommend that end users read the following documents before considering a purchase:

User's Manual -- for the Tesla Photon Model 2000 (PDF format)
Bioelectromagnetic Healing, its History, and a Rationale for its Use
by Thomas Valone -- (PDF format)
Magnetic Field BioEffects -- A Synopsis of Published -- (PDF format)
Pier-Reviewed Studies by Arthur A. Pilla, Ph.D. (PDF format)

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To U.S. Users: Neither the material on this page nor the Tesla Photon machine itself have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. This device is experimental and designed for research purposes only. It is not sold in your country with the intent to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Comes in 3 Pieces.
Takes Two Minutes
To Assemble!
The Tesla Photon Model 2000 comes in three sections, which takes about two minutes to unpack and assemble . . .

Tesla Photon Machine - base The base with control panel . . .

Tesla Photon Machine - coil
. . . the coil . . .

Tesla Photon Machine - crown
. . . and the crown.
See our assembly instructions with pictorial (PDF file) to see how easy it is to get "up and running."

Running in the dark -- this scanned photo was NOT digitally retouched

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