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The Cansema Tapes - 1995-96 - (excerpts)

Many thousands of people around the world have used Cansema, in both its topical and internal forms, to successfully address cancers. From 1995 to 1996 several Alpha Omega staffers went to various countries in the world where our Cansema products were sold to get feedback from end users and health care practitioners alike. The excerpts below (all from North America, Australia, and the Ukraine) are a sampling of some of the video testimonials taken during this tour. Note: These files are in the "*.wmv" format, which means that the video will pop up automatically if you have Windows Media Player installed on your computer - now standard on all Microsoft operating systems. If you don't have Media Player on your computer, you can get a free copy by logging onto and using their search feature to locate the downloadable version of Media Player.

Doug Brodie, M.D. Doug Brodie, M.D.
Case: Cansema Salve | Basal, Squamous Cell & Melanoma Cancers
Reno, Nevada (USA) - 1996
Few medical doctors are willing to speak out in support of alternative health care approaches. Although we have received enormous support from certain celebrity doctors, such as Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Patrick Quillin - few will go on video with such extensive specificity as Dr. Doug Brodie. This clip is over 21 minutes long and will strike some as a very dry presentation of a broad range of alternative cancer products and modalities. It is not exclusively about Cansema or Alpha Omega Labs - although at 11:55 minutes into the tape, Dr. Brodie interviews a cancer patient (Dave Yocum) who killed a melanoma growth with the use of Cansema after first having his oncologist recommend radical surgery. (A much smaller surgerical procedure was used later - at which point mostly dead cancer was removed from the nasal cavity.) This clip is a great "tour de force" on the therapeutic weapons at the disposal of a physician who cares about the outcome of his cancer patient - above all other considerations.

56k (5.1 Megs) | DSL (37.2 Megs). Time: 21.49 min.

Russell & Florence Wilson Florence & Russell Wilson
Case: Cansema Salve & Melanoma, USA - March, 1996
It is amazing how many allopaths act with disbelief when a serious melanoma growth is removed - despite the indisputable lab reports.
56k (3.6 Megs) | DSL (22.4 Megs). Time: 12.59 min.

Cansema Use in the Ukraine Cansema Use in the Ukraine
Case: Cansema Salve & Wide Variety of Cansemas caused by Chernobyl incident, ten years later, Ukraine, 1995-96 - taped 2/96.
To our great disappointment, this clip - originally lasting well over an hour, was mostly destroyed in its transportation out of Ukraine. What is left is a 5 minute segment showing how physicians have used Cansema to treat cancer patients in this area of the former Soviet Union. Note that some of the tape is in English, some in Ukrainian. 56k (1.4 Megs) | DSL (8.6 Megs). Time: 4.59 min.

Burt Marshall Burt Marshall
Case: Cansema Salve - Basal & Squamous Cell
Carcinoma, USA - 1995

The subject used Cansema salve to remove a variety of skin cancers. This clip involves the subject showing how he's used the product, and so it has several "start/stops" marking the progressed use of the product over several days. 56k (1.7 Megs) | DSL (10.8 Megs). Time: 6.17 min.

Dr. Hoffman Dr. Hoffman - (a doctor's skepticism erased)
Case: Cansema Salve & Melanoma, USA - March, 1996

A doctor's "skepticism" is erased with his own personal experience with Cansema... then members of his own staff use the product, and then Dr. Hoffman's wife, further confirming what Alpha Omega staffers have known for over ten years: that Cansema works. 56k (1.8 Megs) | DSL (11.4 Megs). Time: 6.39 min.

L. William Ferguson, D.D.S. & Friend L. William Ferguson, D.D.S. & Friend
Case: Cansema & Large Tumor (Dog) - 1996

We deal extensively with a variety of animal cancers - dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, llamas, etc. Dr. Ferguson, a dentist from Cocoa Beach, FL, used Cansema on his 17 year old dog, removing a "cancer tumor the size of an orange." He also successfully used Cansema Salve extensively on himself. 56k (736k) | DSL (3.1 Megs). Time: 2.39 min.

James Carrogram James Carrogram
Case: Cansema Salve & General Skin Cancer - 1996

A resident of Merritt Island, James Carrogram demonstrates the use of the product. 56k (873k) | DSL (5.4 Megs). Time: 3.09 min.

Vicky Jackson & Phil Stout Vicky Jackson & Phil Stout
Case: Cansema Salve & Advanced Melanoma - 1996
Vicky Jackson, and her father, Phil Stout, discuss the amazing results of Cansema on serious melanomas. Covers the amazing story of their oncologist, who insisted on continued chemotherapy treatments, even after lab reports showed that he was cancer free. (Note: Mention is made of Immunex, formerly used as a trade name for what we now call Cansema Capsules.) 56k (2.3 Megs) | DSL (14.3 Megs). Time: 8.16 min.

Walter Wence Walter Wence
Case: Cansema Salve - Skin Cancers - 1996
A retired NASA space center worker describes his experiences with Cansema in removing skin cancers. 56k (544k) | DSL (3.39 Megs). Time: 1.58 min.

Jim Carraba Jim Carraba
Case: Cansema Salve - Melanoma - 1996
Mr. Carraba had melanoma on his ear and face. These three short clips show the progressive stages of removal and heal-over running from March, 1996 to June, 1996 - when hardly any scar tissue is evident. Clip I - 56k (138k) | DSL (854k). Time: 0.30 sec. Clip II - 56k (189k) | DSL (1.2 Megs). Time: 0.40 sec. Clip III - 56k (309k) | DSL (1.9 Megs). Time: 1.06 min.

Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes a Crime - (the movie)

56k (1 hr., 24 min. - 24 Megs - 1987 - Color)
DSL (163 Megs)

Produced by Ken Ausubel & Catherine Salveson.
Narrated by Max Gail.
Rebuttal book review & our commentary

In most countries of the industrialized West, cancer is more a political disease than a medical disease. You don't really realize the truth of this unless you have worked inside the cancer industry and come to understand the sole currency guiding the support of expensive, ineffective therapies and the suppression of effective, inexpensive ones: profit.
The Hoxsey movie, released in 1987, lead to a book version in 2000, (which begins with an empassioned forward by Bernie Siegal, M.D.). The movie version, downloadable above, is a vivid, heart-wrenching portrait of the life of Harry Hoxsey, whose effective cancer remedies lead to the creation of 17 cancer clinics across the U.S.A. by the 1950's. Hoxsey's clinics reported a success rate which rivalled those of orthodox clinics. Despite numerous attempts by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to put Hoxsey out of business, and numerous legal actions involving the testimony of thousands of successful cases, Hoxsey was able to carry out his work in the U.S. for nearly 40 years, starting in 1924. Today, a relatively small clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, is all that remains of the original Hoxsey practice (called "Bio Medical Center," it was founded by Mildred Nelson, Hoxsey's long-time nurse).
The Cansema line made and sold by Alpha Omega Labs is often compared to the Hoxsey formulas because our salve and original tonic are escharotics - that is, they both draw from the same herbal tradition of using a mild caustic with cancerolytic phytochemicals to first kill the cancer, using the body's own immune system, then turn the repair of the underlying tissue back to the body. It is an effective tradition that is well over 120 years old -- inexpensive, effective, and totally suppressed. This movie discusses the escharotic tradition, the early use of bloodroot, and other historical facts which underlie much of our work at Alpha Omega.
Although we have come a long way since the early formulary work of Harry Hoxsey, every person living in the West who gets cancer - every person related to a cancer patient - every person who wants to know how the multi-billion dollar cancer industry really works, should see this movie at least once. And now it's available on the Alpha Omega Labs site for free. (Interesting side note: this video was originally produced and copyrighted by Realidad Productions in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Years ago we sent hundreds of patients to their office to purchase the movie - or to Blockbuster Video to rent it. Some time in the mid-90's they went out of business, without explanation.)
A 56k and DSL version of this movie are viewable above for free. The 56k file is low resolution (low quality), but the audio works just fine. The DSL version has much better video, but, at 163 Megs, requires a broadband connection to get a good viewing. Enjoy.

Related Links:
  • Hoxsey book review - (Positive Futures Network)
  • Hoxsey book review - (Park St. Press)
  • review
  • Rebuttal: a negative review of the Hoxsey movie, followed by our own "rebuttal of the rebuttal."
  • Hoxsey book review - (Whole Earth Magazine)
  • Author comments
  • Blockbuster review

Thomas Beardon, Ph.D. H3O Concentrate Tom Beardon: An Interview
on H3O / HRx
& The Brave New World of
Applied Scalar Wave Technology

The use of scalar wave technology to produce H3O and HRx solutions brings with it a set of observable phenomenon that cannot be validated using orthodox models of chemistry and physics. To better explain some of their properties, we sought out the input of world-renowned physicist, Dr. Tom Beardon, in the U.S. - well-known for his theoretical contributions in the field of scalar wave. What resulted was an expansive interview (taped 10/17/01) -- over an hour of which is observable below in four separate files. Most of this material will seem quite arcane to those without formal training in physics, but for even the untrained who grasp just 10% of the content, the obvious will become clear: now that applied applications of scalar wave technology, as profound as H3O and HRx now exist, its theoretical underpinnings will not be able to be ignored by orthodox science forever.

Part I - Prior to taping, an Alpha Omega representative discussed how H3O can be used in place of sulphuric acid in batteries, how it holds charge and has even been shown to be self-recharging. Also mentioned before taping, was H3O's tendency to pick up charge in its environment (i.e. during a thunderstorm). Without even going further to explore its amazing medicinal properties, Dr. Beardon explains these phenomenon by examining laws of physics which are still considered "outside the box." Also covered is the encroachment of dogmatism into theoretical science, the myth of the scientific method, and the excoriation of honest scientists who have attempted to examine cold fusion.
56k (7.2 Megs) | DSL (46.7 Megs). Time: 27.42 min.

Part II - Dr. Beardon continues ... examining how energy drawn from a vacuum (time domain) does not really violate the hallowed Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy. Also discussed is why H3O and HRx, when mixed in their concentrate form - an extreme acid with an extreme alkaline, neutralize without an exothermic reaction. It's not supposed to happen - but it does. Dr. Beardon explains why using "higher symmetry" physics. He also goes into greater detail as to why scalar wave technology has not been more thoroughly explored by orthodox science. He then describes the limits of our current understanding of chemistry and physics without leaving the "U1" model.
56k (3.8 Megs) | DSL (23.5 Megs). Time: 13.5 min.

Part III - H3O and HRx are discoveries of historic proportions. They are unusual in that they involve the deployment of an applied science before its theoretical foundation has been thoroughly understood, or even widely accepted as reality. An engaging discussion of this ensues. Greater detail is given to the factors that turn outmoded scientific models into "religious dogma." The need to rediscover respect for the scientific method is discussed.
56k (1.5 Megs) | DSL (9.5 Megs). Time: 5.38 min.

Part IV - This section provides a detailed chronology of events that has led to current orthodox understandings in physics and chemistry impinging on scalar wave technology. It begins with our false notions (and explanations) of the most element principle of physics: force. Broken symmetry of dipole is covered, including components of force not now acknowledged, but for which their discovery led previous theorists to receive the Novel Prize for Physics. Lastly, the "engines" behind H3O and HRx are discussed.
56k (6.1 Megs) | DSL (37.8 Megs). Time: 22.13 min.

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