O3 - Ozone Equipment | Tents, Spas, Saunas
Ozone Steam Sauna Tents, Chambers, and CabinetsOzone steam sauna tents are far more affordable than the steam cabinets available on the retail market. Steam Sauna Tents suitable for ozone use are available for about $270.00. While chambers and cabinets are far better, tents are a fantastic low cost alternative. Please keep in mind when purchasing that these steam generators/tents will last about a year, at the most two years if cared for very carefully!
Our current favorite tent (similar to the one above above) is available from Amazon: Click here for product details. Other product links (UK):
Ozone Ready Steam Sauna Cabinets & ChambersSteam chambers last longer and are easier to clean and upkeep than steam tents. However, they are also far more expensive:
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