Part Four: Using the Basic Colloidal Silver Generator
Basic Silver |
This tutorial ( part four ) provides the instructions for using the colloidal silver generator. Please note that there are very good reasons for each step in the process, including keeping the silver rods smooth through proper cleaning between batches. The instructions below provide specific details on producing a batch of 3 - 5 PPM colloidal silver.
Preparing the Materials1. Use the nylon scrub pad and dry scrub the inside of the glass container used in the generator. 2. Rinse the container thoroughly. Use a clean paper towel to dry the container. Rinse a second time with a small amount of distilled water. 3. Always scrub the silver wire or rods with a nylon scrub pad before use. To save silver, use light pressure and agitate quickly. The smoothness of the electrodes will help to ensure a uniform draw of ions from the silver rod. 4. Wipe off the rods with a clean paper towel soaked with a small amount of distilled water. 5. Make sure one's hands are clean. 6. Assemble the colloidal silver generator as previously described ( attaching the two battery sets together, remember to never leave the generator assembled when not in use ). 7. Add approximately eight ounces of distilled water to the glass container. Preparation is complete. Clamp the silver rods to the battery setup. Any clean, non-reactive substance may be used to help position the rods above the container. See the following picture for an example. NOTES: Nylon is used for two reasons: 1) It is a non-reactive substance and any accidental contamination will not interfere with the reaction. 2) It is a nontoxic substance. Position the battery setup so that both attached rods may be easily inserted in the water. For optimum performance, the spacing between rods should be between 1.5 and 2.0 inches. The rods should be positioned as close to the center of the container as possible to prevent increased conductivity generated along the rim of the container. Position the rods parallel to each other. This encourages uniform conductivity between both rods, and therefore a uniform draw of silver. The positive and negative leads/rods should never touch each other. Once the rods are positioned correctly, note the time. As the batch progresses through the first 10 to 15 minutes, very little change should be apparent. As the fifteen minute mark approaches, pay particular attention to the reaction. Anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes, one should notice a thin yellow cloud or a yellow "wisp" drifting between the electrodes. This indicates that the saturation of silver ions between both rods is reaching a point of ideal saturation. Mark the time. Allow the reaction to continue for five minutes. Then, very carefully, remove the "negative" rod from the water. Wait about two minutes. Gently remove the positive rod from the colloidal silver. Dissasemble the batteries. Increasing the time will increase the concentration of the end colloidal silver. However, be aware that one risks degrading the product. One can use a Hanna PWT meter to measure the ionic content of silver ( as well as the initial quality of the distilled water ). A laser pen in a dark room can be used to gauge the amount of particulate silver in the end product. One may notice the remaining yellow wisps slowly dissipating. As time progresses, the colloidal silver will retain its "water" clear color. No visible particles should be present. Increasing the production time will eventually result in a colloidal silver with a yellow hue. Although with this method, every single batch will have a variable PPM reading, if the above instructions are followed, the end product silver concentration will be 3 to 5 parts per million. The sizing will be between .001 and .04 microns in diameter. At this point, it is very advantageous to acquire a simple laser light pen. It is a wise practice to both check the quality of the distilled water before a batch, AND to test the colloidal silver once the solution has "matured" a few hours. See the next section for further information and notes on the process itself.
Next: Final Notes
times since August 2009
How to Make / Build a Colloidal Silver Generator
Page Last Modified: 08/23/17 06:16
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