
Commentary on Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 ) and Colloidal Silver



Authors: JE, Trustee, www.Silvermedicine.org, Herx, Mike C.
Source: Yahoo Silver Medicine Web Site Group
Original Source Format: Text messages
Edited: Reformatted, emphasis ours, spelling, small linguistic modifications, greetings removed
Copyrights: copyright 2003 AVRA, all rights reserved.

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H2O2 and Colloidal Silver: A Combinational Therapy

H2O2 and colloidal silverThis image was taken by using a laser pen to examine the tyndall effect of a freshly brewed colloidal silver batch, just after the addition of two drops of 35% H2O2. Prior to the addition, the colloidal silver was crystal clear with a very faint tyndall. Upon the addition of the hydrogen peroxide, which begins to work immediately to atomize and ionize minute silver particles, there was a vast increase in the tyndall effect, although in normal light the solution remained crystal clear. One could easily observe slightly spiralling "clouds" of minute particles by using the laser pen as the hydrogen peroxide came in contact with the silver particles. This batch was a lower quality batch with some "larger" ( but invisible ) particles.

When the same process is done with a highly ionic batch, without the larger-sized silver particles, the tyndall effect would have increased temporarily, then completely dissapeared as the minute particles were ionized by the hydrogen peroxide.

December 18, 2001: A Personal Experience With a Mouth Infection


Some people talk about a "cloud" that appears when adding H2O2 ( hydrogen peroxide ) to colloidal silver. I have always shrugged it off, not paying too much attention - never would I see any such cloud when I added H2O2 to my silver. I would notice a very slight increase in the tyndall effect. It always remained crystal clear from the start, there was never any fallout, and all in all, the CS would remain stable long after the H2O2 fully dissipated ( so I thought at the time, although later proved that H2O2 can stabilize in ionic silver ).

Then, last week, I used a glass container that had a small amount of silver plated on the bottom. I was in a rush, and didn't scrub down the glass before use. I was making a batch to be used specifically WITH hydrogen peroxide.

When I added the H2O2... What do you know? There was that cloud. The CS became very turbid, with the solid tyndall effect that has often been described.

It wasn't until I carefully examined the glass and noticed a small amount of silver plated on the bottom, that I realized what was going on. For many applications, I am very, very careful to make a highly ionic "brew". When doing so, I KNOW that I am also creating silver particles on the smaller end of the "size scale". I do so by carefully cleaning everything I use, and never touching or removing the silver rods, and not "over-running" my batches. Therefore, when using H2O2 in the past, the reaction with the silver particles is not as prevalant. I get a clean product that I have never had a problem with.

This particular case, however, was a small emergency. I had been working with someone on a mouth infection - one that really required surgery, but the means were not available. This was initially treated several months previously, and the individual did not use colloidal silver. Healing clay poultices were used, packed in the mouth. I didn't suggest the use of silver because the silver must reach the site of the infection, and I was not certain that it would do so with this infection. Healing clay has no such restrictions, it does not need to come into contact with the infection.

The problem is, the usage instructions have to be carried out. Pain relief is often so quick, that one stops. In fact, having a clay pack inside the mouth is an uncomfortable experience.

In this case, the individual experienced rapid pain relief, and significant reduction in swelling/inflammation. The infection was primarily caused by wisdom teeth that had not grown in fully. The surface infection was removed upon first treatment, and the individual decided not to continue.

A few months down the road ( here we are ), the condition had resurfaced. Now, however, the individual had waited too long. The infection had spread to the ear and possibly even the sinuses,
complete with swollen lymph nodes. Healing clay's ability to eliminate infections that are within the
body does have limits. Had the person continued with clay at the onset of the pain once more, the condition again would have been arrested. However, too much time had passed with neglect.

The treatment was started with healing clay in the mouth, with little tolerance. However, I insisited that we continue, until the clay pulled enough of the infection out to induce drainage ( the area will
began to slightly bleed ). When an infection is this deep, the process is painful.

Having accomplished this, it became evident that I wasn't going to be able to get enough clay in the mouth to do enough good, nor was it being tolerated well enough to continue the length of time needed for a desired effect.

Careful examination revealed an abcess, now partially drained. Thus, I switched tactics.

I used the H2O2 silver formulation at a relatively heavy strength: 2 drops of 35% H2O2 to eight ounces of colloidal silver. I have no idea how the colloidal silver reached the entire infection. There is
no doubt, however, that it did, and within seconds. I had the individual lay on the side, and
hold this solution in the mouth for as long as possible. The first time, tolerance was limited to about 1.5 minutes. The CS was then swallowed ( if one holds this formulation in your mouth for a long
period of time, it is likely that one won't experience the "H2O2" effect in the stomach ).

The silver and hydrogen peroxide formulation was also used in the ears.

When treating the ear on the same side of the body as the mouth infection, the individual described a severe burning sensation from the ear straight down to the infected gums. This sensation ( which alarmed the individual, but was not unexpected ) lasted for about 20 minutes, then subsided. As it subsided, so did all the raw pain from the infection.

This process was repeated three times in a row, over a duration of about two hours. The burning sensation never occured after the first time.

48 hours later, with "occasional" use, the infection appeared to be completely eliminated with no inflammed tissues, and the swelling of the lymph nodes was gone.

Of course, this is not a permanent solution to the root problem of those wisdom teeth. However, the individual now knows that careful monitoring of the area and quick action, until the surgeries can be
done, will prevent a potentially life-threatening condition!

I do not know if the CS would have worked as well without first draining the abcess with the use of healing clay. I certainly couldn't take that chance. Keep in mind that mouth infections CAN travel straight to the heart. Action must be swift and "sweepingly" successful - it's certainly not something to play around with!

I do not know, ultimately, which type of silver will be most effective for what within the human body - ionic or particle. In this case, I learned ( and have hence experimented a bit ) that a high particle product produces a very strong reaction with the H2O2 - I was certain in this case to get the best of both worlds. Therefore, one should apply caution because you don't want to destroy partially damaged tissues in sensitive areas of the body.

For more information on hydrogen peroxide as used with colloidal silver, see:
H2O2 and Colloidal Silver

For more information on the learning how to gauge the ionic/particle content of a batch of colloidal silver, see the recently updated Frequently Asked Questions Page ( FAQ ):
Colloidal Silver Frequently Asked Questions

August 19, 2002: Hydrogen Peroxide and Colloidal Silver

( Question ):

Hi all. I have recently mixed H2O2 at 3% with colloidal silver at 15 ppm. When the ration is close to 3 cs to 1 H2O2 the apple juice color of the cs disappears and the cs becomes totally colorless . Why is that ? I read that doing so the silver particles would break up into smaller one; shouldn't the ppm go up and be detectable with a cs tester?

( Reply, Jason/AVRA ):

The color begins to disappear as the particles in the colloidal silver are ionized ( no matter who tries to say this doesn't happen ).The larger particles are first reduced to smaller ones.The particles, if enough h2o2 is used, will reach a point of being nearly completely ionic.

Most CS testers are of only marginal use.The closest device one can use for an estimate is a PWT meter. Even in the case of using a PWT meter, the reading will not be accurate as long as there is H2O2 in the colloidal silver. That is because the PWT measures dissolved solids; as long as the only dissolved solids ( ions ) in the sol are silver ions, the PWT will give an accurate reading of the ionic portion of the colloidal silver. However, in this case the reaction itself is a continual production of gasses, ions, and other ( silver ) particles.

To really see what is happening with the H2O2 and the colloidal silver, more sophisticated equipment needs to be used... Although I don't have access to this equipment, I have spent some time corresponding with the most capable expert on silver particles, Francis Key of silver-colloids.com. Francis and I certainly don't see eye to eye on how silver ions work in the body, but there is little doubt that his knowledge of silver particles is extremely advanced. He was quite pointed in mentioning that the people with various opinions on the H2O2 CS process don't have access to the equipment needed to FORM an opinion. In this case, I had to agree, as his educated opinion matched my personal experience and observations.

Any particles left within the CS are extremely small, to the point that they are not measureable with a tyndall effect. The H2O2 CS reaction can feasibly continue for quite some time if the container is kept sealed. H2O2 can stabilize itself in a predominantly ionic silver for even a month or more after addition.This is easy to demonstrate, although all of my personal experiments have been with using 35% H2O2.The CS/H2O2, after a month of being sealed, with no tyndall effect, causes the common H2O2 reaction immediately upon use ( the bubbling caused by the oxidation of bacteria, ect. ).This can be quite advantageous, provided that the H2O2 concentration is not too great.

September 26, 2002 ( Herx ): H2O2 used after Production ( experiment posed by Herx )

As you may recall, when you first posted my Faraday's Equation PPM calculator on your site, there were problems with plate-out on the cathode. Ole Bob was kind enough to volunteer his time to test blind samples and compare them to the calculator's predictions. Bob's analysis of the samples I sent him showed the actual PPM to be between 20% to 40% less than the calculator predicted, as a result of the plate-out removing liberated Ag from suspension. We were unable to solve the plating problem. I have a hypothesis I'd like to test, and would appreciate your input.

I propose to run test batches of CS at differing concentrations as usual (current limiting, mechanical stirring). Once the generating process is complete, I would disconnect the current, but leave the cathode immersed in the solution, while removing the anode.I would then add a few drops of H2O2 to the batch.After a few hours, I'd remove the cathode and take a sample of the CS for testing. I'm hoping that the H2O2 will act upon the Ag plated on the cathode, and return it to suspension. If successful, I would expect the analysis of the resulting CS to match the Faraday's prediction much more closely than in the past.

You've studied H2O2 and CS in much more depth than I have. In fact, most of what I know about H2O2 and CS, I learned from your writings. What is your opinion of this experiment? Would the H2O2 react with the metallic Ag in the cathode impact and impact the test results in any way? Ole Bob, I'd like your input also. Would you be willing to test a few sample batches produced this way to see if the results match the calculator's predictions? Any and all comments will be appreciated.

( Reply, Jason/AVRA ):

Herx: That's an interesting experiment. The problem here is that the H2O2 will work without discrimination. It is likely that silver will certainly be deposited into the sol, but the reaction may deposit larger particles, which you may find end up settling at the bottom of the container. The tough question is how much H2O2 to use, and then how to get a real reading from testing. H2O2 is completely dissolved, and I'm not certain how any remaining H2O2 in the end product will effect the ion testing. Careful thought will have to be given on how to isolate variables. In fact, you may wish to take a look here:


Evidently, peroxide strips can be used to test for H2O2 concentration. I always love your ideas, as they help to free my imagination! I would never have thought to use peroxide strips to test for H2O2; a simple solution to test a few ideas of mine.

H2O2 will stabilize in ionic silver, provided the CS is kept in a sealed container. What I do not know is if the H2O2 will COMPLETELY eliminate ALL particulate silver before doing so. I know that it can come extremely close; to the point there is no tyndall effect, provided enough H2O2 is used. Therefore, the ideas I have are as follows:

1) Make an H2O2 dilution to use for testing purposes, acquire some peroxide strips, and start testing with a normal colloidal silver, continuing to add H2O2 until there is no tyndall effect, and attempting to achieve an end solution with no H2O2.

2) Attempt to identify how much different batches vary using the exact same production method ( ie how much H2O2 is required each time to achieve the "ideal" end product ).

3) If reasonable results are achievable, you have a starting point now for experimentation. If reasonable results are not achieved even with the normal colloidal silver, it is not likely one will be able to devise a satisfactory experiment with a silver electrode in the water.

4) Start experimenting with the H2O2 added with the electrode. Minute amounts of H2O2 should be used, in my opinion, as you want to minimize the oxidation, in an attempt to avoid depositing large particles into the sol directly from the electrode. Perhaps continue to add small amounts of H2O2 until the electrode is "clean"... If flakes are deposited on the bottom of the container, then the experiment is "blown", and perhaps even less amounts of H2O2 should be added in increments timed out. I think I shall see if I can find some peroxide strips locally.

October 12, 2002 ( Mike C. ): H2O2 and Colloidal Silver: MS ( Multiple Sclerosis )

( Question ):

 Hi Jason and All, Today I received a phone call from a friend, M., who has Multiple Sclerosis [MS] and just got a CS generator. He has read somewhere that a person with MS was able to get better, if not "cured", by adding a certain amount of 3% Foodgrade H2O2 to a liter (qt) of CS. He seems to recall that she said the H2O2 made the silver particles smaller so that it could be more readily absorbed into the body and thereby be more effective. He has no further details but asked me what amount and what strength of H2O2 he should add, and is seeking genuine help, because his health is begin to fail rapidly.

My questions are:

1. Has anyone any experience with adding 3% or 35% food grade H2O2 to CS? If so in what proportions/strength?

2. Is it true that the H2Os will make the silver particles smaller for better absorption?

3. Has anyone any experience with MS getting better by using Colloidal silver, or, by using a combination of CS and H2O2?

4. Any other helpful input would really be appreciated.

( Reply, Jason/AVRA ):

Mike: Please see message 373 from our very own archive of messages:


Of note, please notice that the big CURE word did not come without IV use of colloidal silver. That said, it is also clear, as the individual had used CS for years prior to adding the H2O2, that an increased benefit was experienced upon utilizing the H2O2/CS. While it is true that using H2O2 will break down larger particles, I believe there is something more going on with H2O2 and colloidal silver. Despite what one may read elswhere, H2O2 ionizes silver particles.

There is a scientifically documented synergistic effect that occurs when combining CS and H2O2. This data was derived through water innoculation studies. I just recently received the peroxide strips that I ordered. I'm hoping in the future I will be able to provide more solid data on how to gauge how much H2O2 to add to silver.

The problem here is that the quantity of H2O2 to add can vary depending on the particle concentration in the silver. Things to consider: 1. When examining the colloidal silver with a laser light, are there "sparklies" ie tiny flakes of silver particles? 2. How pronounced is the tyndall effect? I utilize 35% H2O2. I use anywhere from one to six drops of H2O2 per four ounces of colloidal silver now for some applications. When using the H2O2 / CS combination, I highly suggest holding the H2O2/CS in the mouth for no less than two minutes. 35% H2O2 should be handled carefully.

Now, many of my own experiments have targeted infections that I could directly reach... Throat, mouth, ear, ect. There is no need to use high concentrations of H2O2 when using H2O2 for internal conditions. After a adding the H2O2 to the silver, one needs to seal the container. A good way to slowly get an idea of how much H2O2 to use is to slowly add small amounts of H2O2 to the silver. Watch the color of the colloidal silver, and watch the tyndall effect. If you have a clear CS, and it turns color after adding a touch of h2o2, this means that you have some larger particles in the water. Wait six hours or so. If there is still a pronounced tyndall effect/color, add more H2O2. This is in consideration of isolated silver only, not compounds!!!!

I have no idea what the end result would be with silver nitrate, citrate, or any salts. There will come a point in the entire process where you will no longer have a tyndall effect. You will now have a real silver solution. This MAY be the ideal solution for use internally. The color will be clear. You will likely still have H2O2 in the solution, co-existing amiably with the silver ions. This is the place you want to reach with a minimum end concentration of H2O2 -- for internal use. For external uses ( even for sore throats and mouth infections ) I use an opposite approach. I utilize a higher particle concentration, and make the CS/H2O2 at the time for use, as I want the reaction very active when using the CS. I believe that the cluster of silver atoms -- literally exploding with H2O2 contact, acts to assist in the biological delivery of the silver. I don't think anyone on the planet could properly study what is really going on with the energy of such a reaction on a molecular level...

Using H2O2 properly in this manner is actually not H2O2 therapy. Provided that one keeps the CS in mouth for at least two minutes, the H2O2 concentration will be nowhere NEAR great enough to cause the common "concerns" people have with H2O2 as used internally. One must consider the effect, however, with silver-mercury fillings in the mouth. My personal experience hasn't shown any measureable detrimental effect due to use, but that doesn't mean that no effect is occuring.

One theory I have: Extremely low concentrations of H2O2 do not have a pronounced effect on pathogens. The H2O2 reaction with metallic silver is more pronounced that the H2O2 oxidation reaction with diseased tissues and/or pathogens ( by low concentrations, we're talking in the .005% range, even lower ). The H2O2 is a dissolved solid. An end CS/H2O2 combination will consist of distilled water with dissolved silver ions and dissolved hydrogen peroxide, with the H2O2 slowly being converted to H2O and O (gass). When this solution reaches an "infection", what may be happening is that the silver ion is attaching to the cell wall of a "pathogen". Then, the H2O2 may be "blowing away" the pathogen as it reacts to the silver, now in metallic state once again. This liberates the silver ion once again, but there is now a kenetic energy involved. In free motion, the silver ion is being delivered... Into the tissues to speed healing caused by the infection? Through the layers of bacteria helping to prevent further proliferation?

In addition, free oxygen is being liberated by the reaction, which has beneficial effects as well. Regardless of the exact mechanics involved in the process, the reaction is obviously greater than either used alone. I still regard the use of H2O2/CS as experimental. Start with TINY amounts of H2O2, and work one's way up with confidence backed by personal experience -- that is always the safe route!

October 27, 2002 ( JE ): Hydrogen Peroxide and Colloidal Silver: More Experimentation

Greetings, all:

I'm trying to create a measureable standard to calculate how much H2O2 to use with colloidal silver to achieve suitable benefit. In so doing, my first step has been to find a method to quantify the levels of H2O2.

My chosen method is utilizing peroxide strips, which measure H2O2 concentration ( in this case, theoretically accurate, since there are no chlorides in the CS ) in PPM. The scale of the strips I purchased is from 0 - 100 PPM. I know that all the testing papers are not completely accurate. However, I figured I could get close enough to draw some conclusions using this affordable method.

I added one drop of 35% hydrogen peroxide to 32 ounces of 11 PPM colloidal silver. This is far below the concentration I use with mouth and throat infections, but I had to create a solution that fell within the low measuring parameters of the testing paper. My H2O2 is actually relatively "old"; newly purchased 35% H2O2 might show greater levels of concentration.

The CS measured roughly 47 PPM H2O2. 8X4X3X47 = 4512 PPM H2O2 : 4512:11 = 410 to 1 ( PPM H2O2 to Colloidal Silver ) ---> The colloidal silver used was a high quality CS - made with Trem's SG7 Pro. Therefore, there is never any visible reaction with the hydrogen peroxide, because any particulate silver is in the form of minute particles. This presented me with my first problem, as 24 hours later there was perhaps only a change of 1-2 PPM in the hydrogen peroxide reading. The hydrogen peroxide stabilized far faster than I thought it would. Of course, this has to be kept in perspective, as the concentration of silver is only 11PPM, and silver flakes or agglomerated particles will cause a greater reaction with the H2O2 ( considering lower quality colloidal silvers ).

February 5, 2003 ( Jason/AVRA ): Silver Ions, Particles and H2O2 ( more information )

In a recent experiment, 3 drops of 35% H2O2 added to four ounces of a quality highly ionic colloidal silver results in a 100% ( or so close one cannot easily measure the particulate content ) ionic silver, with stabilized H2O2 in the end product. At least some H2O2 remains, greater than 100 PPM, even when the container is left open for three weeks.

5 drops of 35% H2O2 added to a gallon of lower quality CS ( I had a blown batch recently ), results in a very interesting distribution of minute particles with an incredible tyndall effect, and no measureable H2O2 remaining. Absolutely no "sparklies" in the end product. This batch had a very light golden hue, @ about 11 PPM ionic silver. Upon adding the H2O2, the batch temporarily turned a very light shade of grey before clearing.

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Colloidal Silver